
Tips for Gathering Gold

字号+ 作者:hjrey 来源: 2009-11-15 02:28 我要评论( )

I like to hop into the raiding scene when everyone else is a bit better geared than me, so it gets more laid back, and less dictatorial. PvP, in Wrath sounds atrocious, since there is no way to get gear without doing arenas, I hate arenas.

I like to hop into the raiding scene when everyone else is a bit better geared than me, so it gets more laid back, and less dictatorial. PvP, in Wrath sounds atrocious, since there is no way to get gear without doing arenas, I hate arenas. I don't think Northrend herbs will stay very high priced for long, which is great for scribes, but not so great for herbalists. Outland herbs, which have been cheap for some time now, might go up as the gatherers head to Northrend. Personally I recommend you make money with the mushroom which presents you with the easiest and the most profitable way as long as you are levels-qualified.

Here are the some tips maybe will help you, this is come from Matticus. A lot of it is common sense, but it's mostly "go fast, and go big." Get as many quests as you can, and do them all at once. Pop all your cooldowns whenever they come up, and even while you're looting something by, be looking for the next quest target or the next thing to kill. Professions are out the window, of course, and reading quest text will just slow you down, so just click accept, and read what you're supposed to find while you're running out to find it. The field camp in the San-dria will be a perfect place for your levelling. Completing instances with good groups can be a great way to level up and get appropriate gear for easier questing. Running instances with pugs are most likely to be time consuming, frustrating experiences that will take up all of your play sessions and then some. There are plenty of quests that can be soloed from 1 to 70 and that way you are the master of your own time.

Fishing and cooking - Some fish will likely be needed for Alchemy, as well as for cooking, and some might turn out to do interesting things (such as Savory Deviate Delight.) Of course, certain foods are in demand for the buffs they provide and those foods should sell well. Looting - Keep a close eye on any white or better items you loot in your day to day monster mashing. Some of these items will be valuable. Skinning - As always, skin everything you can. Sell the scraps, too. Keep an eye on the Auction House for which skins sell best and which hot crafting recipes require those skins. Mining - Cobalt and Titanium await you. Engineering, Blacksmithing, and Jewelcrafting will create a demand for these ores and that demand should stay strong for a long time.

If you have played any MMO from the beginning or this isn't your first expansion, then you already know that the first few days are always rocky. Even if the developers have done their job perfectly and the hardware works without a hitch, there will still be dozens of people in every immediately accessible new area. They will be lagging the same zones, camping the same spawns and gathering the same resources. Plus there's Inscription, which has driven the price of herbs way up, since the inscription ink come from herbs. And the guys over at twentyfifthnovember clearing all available Wrath raid content a couple days after release may not come as a surprise, or set off any alarms, simply because they had experience.


